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Matrix Reimprinting

How MR came to be

Building on EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Karl Dawson (EFT Master) developed matrix reimprinting in 2006 - with the help of a client who, in a demo session, reported that she could see her younger self so clearly that she could "tap" directly on her using EFT and help in the difficult situation her younger self was going through. The effect of this approach was groundbreaking, and not just for her. Since then, the technique has been refined and has been used with great success by thousands of people in order to work through stressful and formative situations in their biography.

Our younger self - frozen in space and time >> in a safe place, which new input and new information will help her feeling empowered?!

Special attention is paid in MR to experiences whose contents have shaped our self-image and worldview in a lasting manner due to the intensity of the experience, a feeling of being exposed and isolated. In those moments, we had no internal or external resources to deal with those feelings. In order to be able to go on with life, we had no choice but to separate these memories from our consciousness, freeze them, banish them from our field of vision.

The subconscious perceives this type of experience as always-present due to the encoding in the brain - as if it were still happening exactly as it was at the moment of the event. The subconscious then plays back what has been learned whenever the according stimuli shows up in our lives and uses this memory or its content as reference - as long as the content doesn´t change.

The first 6 years: theta state

In the first few years of our life, our brain is primarily in delta and theta - the frequency of deep trance, the absorption of information without a filter, and the registration of the "downloaded" information as irrefutable facts

"When in a trance state […], given suggestions are almost always taken literally. ”Liz Lorenz-Wallacher

This information is stored in deep layers of consciousness - the subconscious - and is intended to protect against repetition of threatening situations.

However, since in this formative time encoded things want to exercise this protective function for the rest of our lives, our life strategies are therefore often based on what a 0-6 year old has learned, with the knowledge and perspective of a 0-6 year old. An evolutionary technical achievement and necessity, which in our time, however, can often be an obstacle to the development of our personality.

Rewrite your past, transform your present.

In matrix reimprinting, specially developed, gentle techniques are used (including elements from hypnosis / NLP, systemic constellation, as well as elements of shamanic origin) that allow the corresponding experiences to be called up with ease - even from before our conscious, pre-linguistic field of experiences.

We embark on an inner journey to these moments and release inner blockages at their roots.

Our younger self is finally finding the attention it urgently needed.

Which of your needs were not met? What was (negatively) learned about you, your fellow human beings, the world? What decision did you make for yourself and your life in this world?

Werde zu dem Gegenüber, den dein jüngeres Selbst so dringend gebraucht hätte...

By strengthening and empowering the former self, we create positive experiences, activate deep inner knowing and empowerment in the now.


At least since Carl G. Jung we have known about the powerful effects of the collective unconscious.

With matrix reimprinting we find access to this "database" with surprising ease and to modify it on an individual level. In doing so, we are not only changing our own field. What we were allowed to perceive and modify in a session will be reflected in our everyday life and in the way we relate to others as well as to ouselves. Our lives can be rearranged.

Say goodbye to what does not serve you any longer. Rewrite your life, become a co-creative author of your biography!

Sessions can take place in my practice or over distance (via zoom call).

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