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peacefully into the world

Matrix Birth Reimprinting,peaceful in the world is for you, if


you are pregnant and would like to prepare for the birth of your baby in the best possible way in order to give him / her an easy start in life! Would you like to clarify your own difficult experiences around the subject of childbirth before the birth of your baby - be it your own birth or an unpleasant birth experience that you already had as a mother? our own birth experience but also what others have experienced or related to us can have a huge impact on out perception of birth and the way we birth.


you want to have children, but due to previous difficult or disturbing birth experiences you cannot imagine having another birth

you have had the painful experience of an abortion and want to find peace with it


your child often finds it difficult to find their way around the world and you would like to understand and support them better. It can often work wonders if we look back to the beginning, to where many life issues have their origin!

you know that there were harrowing circumstances during the birth of your child or your child, or during pregnancy, with which you are not yet at peace

you have fears about an upcoming birth

you know beliefs like "I am not good enough / important / popular / lovable", or the constant subliminal fear of being abandoned, you know only too well and would like to find a new self-understanding and self-awareness

you suffer from chronic health conditions

you are simply fascinated by the idea of ​​reliving your own birth story and rewriting it!



We often underestimate the profound impact birth stories have on our perception of ourselves and the world around us. Just a few decades ago, most doctors and scientists were of the opinion that babies are numb - because they are wordless - beings and that all that matters is that mother and baby make it through birth healthy and alive. And een though birth practices and the understanding of childbirth has come a long way and the number of families who opt for gentle and natural births is growing, still the number of c-sections and medical interventions are increasing steady at birth (increase of c-sections by around 20 percent in the past 10 years in Germany!).


C-section, induced labor, PDA and other pain relievers, suction cups and the lack of mother-to-baby time for extensive bonding after the birth can affect newborns with issues such as disassociation, separation, fear of loss and isolation that accompany them on their life path.


With Matrix Birth Reimpinting, a technique specially developed by Sharon King for this purpose, we can go back to your birth experiences and resolve stressful feelings and emotions that are interwoven with these often harrowing events.

Through deep release of the original birth imprint you can rewrite and experience birth and will find that it is never too late for a happy birth





Sessions can take place in my practice or over a distance (via Zoom Call).

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